MONTY BOJANGLES Cocoa Dusted Truffles - Bouquet Gift 110g


Say 'With Love' with these award-winning luxury chocolatey truffles packaged in a beautiful gift box, bound by a printed gift ribbon tied into a bow that highlights the unique design of a bouquet of fantastical flowers. Personalise your gift in the "To" and "From" spaces on the side of the box making it a stunning gift for Valentine’s Day, birthdays, Christmas and Mother’s Day or just to say ‘With Love” to someone special. This glorious gift box contains 12 individually wrapped truffles, just the right size for an indulgent treat! Contains Choccy Scoffy truffles.

Vegetable Oils (Coconut, Palm Kernel), Sugar, Fat Reduced Cocoa Powder, Whey Powder (from Milk), Cocoa Powder, Emulsifier (Soya Lecithin).

Allergy Advice
May contain Barley, Eggs, Nuts, Sesame, Wheat.
For allergens please see ingredients in bold.